Family Development Program


Making the World a Better Place For All of Us

The goal of the Family Development Program is to assist in improving the quality of life and standard of living for low-income families in Pinellas County.

Services Provided:

Case Management :  Monthly contact with assigned case worker to establish, implement and provide support in accomplishing goals.

Referrals/Resource Mobilization:  Case Managers will link participants to community resources based on specific needs.

Education/Training: Provide limited financial assistance with tuition, books, uniforms, test fees, background checks, etc.

Emergency Assistance: Provide limited financial assistance to participants in areas such as utilities, food, clothing and rent/mortgage to alleviate barriers in completing their goals.

Small Business Start Up: Family Development participants whose primary goal is to start a small business.  Limited financial assistance is available for supplies and licenses.

Youth/Extracurricular Activity: Provide funding for youth activities such as before/after school care, sports, summer camp, etc.

Individual Development Account (IDA): A two – to – one savings program for eligible Family Development Program participants.


You may be eligible if you:

  • Have a child/children under the age of 18
  • Are seeking employment
  • Are completing your education/training (last semester of education)
  • Meet poverty income guidelines (Click to view guidelines)

Contact Information:

North County (North of Ulmerton Rd): (727) 937-9393

South County (South of Ulmerton Rd): (727) 823-4101 ext. 125